Over the past few weeks, we here at PFAW have, along with many of our members, watched with growing incredulity the ballooning volume of lies, misdirection, and disinformation flowing from the White House during this worldwide health crisis. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

People For the American Way

45's Falshoods and Failures: Weekly Coverage of Trump During COVID-19


Over the past few weeks, we here at PFAW have, along with many of our members, watched with growing incredulity the ballooning volume of lies, misdirection, and disinformation flowing from the White House during this worldwide health crisis. Donald Trump initially dismissed the danger of the novel coronavirus, or the disease it causes, COVID-19, in the presumptive service of his reelection campaign. After weeks of pure denial didn’t work, his responses grew increasingly erratic, veering from calling for the country to “re-open” by Easter to seeming to actually take the crisis seriously – and everything in between.

It’s impossible to know what position Trump is going to take next on the pandemic. Given the magnitude of the incorrect information and bad behavior coming out of the White House and the Trump administration during this crisis, PFAW will be posting a weekly round-up of the highlights – or, should we say, low-lights. Every week, we’ll collect and post the most important of Trump’s falsehoods and failures about the coronavirus to help us all hold him accountable.

Since a lot has happened since the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed on U.S. soil, this week’s post will be a quick overview of some of the worst and most recent missteps. It won’t include everything that’s happened since the crisis first emerged because, frankly, this post would be longer than the full text of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.

Of course, Trump and his administration aren’t the only Republicans spreading misinformation about and taking advantage of the coronavirus. Members of Congress seemingly have sought potential gain through the stock market crash, and as PFAW’s Right Wing Watch continues to track through their own round-ups, far-right figures are also capitalizing on this crisis to spread extreme rhetoric, conspiracy theories, and other lies.

But this weekly update will focus on Trump’s lies and dangerous behavior and actions. Because when it comes to any catastrophe, the buck stops at the top – and Trump has a lot to answer for.


The Falsehoods and Failures series will appear every Friday on our blog and for ongoing coverage of Trump and the Right Wing's response to the coronavirus, check out PFAW's Right Wing Watch.

Thanks as always for your ongoing support - stay safe and stay healthy!





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