Tell the Senate to Reject Schwartz!

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Trump and Mitch McConnell are trying to jam-pack our courts with unqualified and radically far-right judges for decades to come – and they’re succeeding. Trump has nominated Stephen S. Schwartz for the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, despite the fact that much of his record is so blatantly disqualifying that he should be unconfirmable for a federal position.

I urge you to reject Stephen S. Schwartz for the U.S. Court of Federal Claims.

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    In the coming weeks, the Judiciary Committee will hold a vote on right-wing Trump’s nominee Stephen S. Schwartz to the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, despite the fact that much of his record is so blatantly disqualifying that he should be unconfirmable for a federal position.

    The federal judiciary is supposed to be above partisan politics, but Donald Trump and his lackeys are determined to make it into a weapon of an extreme right-wing agenda.

    Schwartz is well known for supporting voter suppression initiatives, one of which a court later found “target[ed] African Americans with almost surgical precision” in North Carolina. If he were to be confirmed to the powerful U.S. Court of Federal Claims, Schwartz would be able to do even greater damage to our legal system and Americans’ rights.

    We need you to urge the Senate to halt Schwartz’s nomination process by signing this petition TODAY.

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