Urge the Senate Judiciary Committee to Investigate Alito's Ethics Violations

Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Durbin:

Justice Alito’s flying of the “Appeal to Heaven” flag and his American flag upside down in the wake of the January 6 insurrection call into question his impartiality in the insurrection-related cases that are before the Court and therefore call for his recusal. A Supreme Court Justice’s job is to deliver justice neutrally and this extreme partisan speech taints his ability to be an impartial arbiter in these cases.

Justice Alito’s refusal to recuse himself from these cases raises serious concerns about the Court’s ability to ensure the integrity of its decisions. As a concerned advocate for justice and democracy, I urge your committee to investigate the circumstances around this ethical impropriety and the role that Chief Justice Roberts has played in this matter.

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    Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has been displaying flags at his residences that show alignment with the January 6 insurrection and those sympathetic with Christian nationalists. With these actions, Justice Alito has demonstrated his inability to be impartial on issues related to election interference as well as demonstrating extremely unethical behavior for any judge – let alone one serving on our nation’s highest court.

    Sign our new petition urging the Senate to investigate Justice Alito’s failure to recuse himself from insurrection-related cases and the role that Chief Justice Roberts has played in handling this matter.

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