Tell the House to Reject Bills Threatening Judicial Independence!

U.S. House:

The independence of our judiciary is under attack. Congress must reject three dangerous bills that would weaken the courts and undermine the rule of law.

  • The PEPPER Act (H.R. 1789) would allow presidents and vice presidents to evade accountability for state crimes, shielding them from prosecution by transferring cases to federal courts which would be directed to dismiss them.

  • The Judges Act (H.R. 1702) would create new judgeships that could be filled with partisan loyalists, further politicizing our federal courts.

  • The No Rogue Rulings Act (H.R. 1526) would sharply limit the ability of federal district courts to block illegal government actions, stripping a crucial check on executive power.
These bills threaten to undermine courts’ ability to protect the rights of all of us. They set a dangerous precedent that puts politics above justice. Congress must oppose any effort to weaken the courts and undermine constitutional protections.
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    Republicans know they can’t win by playing fair – so they’re changing the rules to work in their favor. They just advanced three dangerous bills designed to rig the courts for Trump, shield him from prosecution, and block judges from stopping his illegal actions.

    We can’t let them get away with it.

    Add your name now to stop this attack on judicial independence.

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