Tell the Senate: Oppose Cory Wilson Nomination

U.S. Senate:

Even in the wake of a global pandemic, Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell won't pause on their path to installing hyperpartisan and harmful jurists in crucial positions throughout the federal courts. It is alarming, but ultimately, not surprising that this administration would advance a nominee who called the Affordable Care Act, which expanded access to health care for millions of Americans, "perverse" and "illegitimate" in the midst of a global public health crisis.  

I demand that you vote "NO" on the Wilson nomination and reject extremist Trump judges!

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    Cory Wilson is a threat to our healthcare and voting rights.

    As America is reeling from the spread of the coronavirus, Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell are looking to ram more troubling judges like Cory Wilson through the Senate confirmation process. We already know enough about where he stands to know he isn't qualified for a lifetime appointment to the Fifth Circuit. 

    As his nomination is pending, a challenge to the Affordable Care Act that came out of the Fifth Circuit is before the Supreme Court. We cannot allow another bad Trump nominee to threaten the right of all Americans to access safe and affordable health care.

    REJECT the Wilson nomination to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit!


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