Sign Now to Demand a REAL Investigation into the Sexual Assault Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh!

To: Senate Republicans
CC: Members of the U.S. Senate

The survivor who lodged extremely serious allegations of sexual assault against Brett Kavanaugh has come forward publicly. She has shown enormous courage in coming forward and her claims need to be treated with the seriousness they – and she – deserve.

The sham hearing scheduled for Monday, September 24 would preempt a fair and impartial investigation from taking place before there is a rush to confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Our nation's highest court deserves better than to give a lifetime appointment to someone facing such serious allegations.

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    The survivor who lodged extremely serious allegations of sexual assault against Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has come forward publicly. She has shown enormous courage in coming forward and her claims need to be treated with the seriousness they – and she – deserve.

    What is needed now is a thorough, fair, and nonpartisan investigation of Kavanaugh’s actions.

    The Senate’s confirmation process must be halted. 


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