Next call shift for Jacky Rosen: Monday Nov 5, 8:00-11:00pm EST (5:00—8:00pm Nevada Time)
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The polls are tight in the race for Nevada Senate so we're sending Jacky Rosen all the help we can. As one of the most important swing states in this election, Nevada is playing a pivotal role in the fight for control over the Senate. We need your help to make a difference in this historic election!
The Republican in the race, incumbent Sen. Dean Heller, voted with Trump 96 percent of the time in 2017 and has marched in lockstep with Mitch McConnell's assault on checks and balances. He voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act, was very vocal in his support of the GOP tax bill, and has been adamantly anti-immigration throughout his term in office. Finally, was an immediate “yes” vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. And he has helped Mitch McConnell and Chuck Grassley ram through an unprecedented number of unfit, extreme Trump judicial nominees.
If we want to save our Supreme Court from more Kavanaughs and stop the GOP from reshaping our judicial branch in Trump’s image, we NEED to flip control of the Senate.
Jacky Rosen is the democrat Nevada needs and the candidate the Democratic Party needs to gain control of the Senate!
It's CRITICAL that we get out the vote for Jacky -- and you can help by calling Nevada voters right from home!
Please sign up now for instructions and to get calling!