Tell Your Senators: Move Quickly on Judicial Nominations!

U.S. Senate:

As your constituent, I’m calling on you to prioritize judicial nominations in the Senate. We urgently need to fill the vacancies across the federal judiciary at the district and circuit court levels. Rapid confirmation of these judges will help cement the president’s legacy, alleviate judicial emergencies across the country, and help deliver justice and a court system that works for ALL of us, not just the wealthy and powerful.

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    Since taking office, President Biden has moved faster than most of his predecessors when it comes to judicial confirmations. However, as of this writing*, there are still a total of 65 vacancies across the federal judiciary at the district and circuit court levels.

    The good news is that there are nominees currently in the pipeline to fill some of those vacancies. The bad news is that – because of Republican obstruction – it will take a lot of time to get them confirmed.

    Repairing the damage done to our country by the Trump administration requires repairing our courts – and that means the Senate can’t let up on confirming the president’s nominees.

    So sign the petition and tell your senators: Work with Majority Leader Schumer to prioritize judicial nominations, fill these vacancies and repair our courts.

    *Judicial vacancy and judicial nominee data updated as of 9/30/24.

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