Tell Congress to Rein In Political Spending!

U.S. Congress:

It is long past time to bring an end to the overwhelming political dominance of ultra-wealthy individuals and corporations so that our elected officials can better represent the people they serve. The Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision opened the floodgates to billions of special-interest dollars pouring in to our elections. The people should decide who represents us, not billionaires and Super PACs.

As a concerned constituent, I’m calling on you to support and pass the Democracy for All constitutional amendment to ensure lawmakers have the authority to protect the voice of the voter from being drowned out by big money, and place common-sense limits on corporate, special interest and big donor influence in elections without delay.

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    It’s been 15 years since the Supreme Court handed down the disastrous Citizens United ruling, which has brought devastating consequences for our elections – allowing unlimited corporate spending in our elections to have an outsized influence over the voices of everyday citizens.

    It's time to reclaim the power of our democracy and put it back into the hands of the people.

    Sign the petition now and urge Congress to pass the Democracy for All Amendment and strengthen the voices of everyday Americans instead of corporations and the wealthy!

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