Urge Congress to Pass the TERM Act!


In recent years the U.S. Supreme Court has demonstrated that partisan ideology has been guiding its decision-making and as a result, public opinion of our nation’s highest institution has fallen to the lowest levels on record. As a growing majority of Americans distrusts the decisions the Court makes, the need for reform grows increasingly urgent.

As your constituent I’m urging you to support a commonsense and reasonable reform supported by a majority of Americans: term limits for Supreme Court Justices. Please support passage of the TERM Act (H.R. 5566) to help rebalance and restore integrity to our nation’s highest court!

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    Over the past several years, the U.S. Supreme Court has become wildly imbalanced with severe and lasting consequences for our rights and freedoms. As the Court has leaned more and more rightward, conservative activists have relitigated rights once thought to be “settled law.”

    When justices serve for decades without term limits, they can become entrenched in their ideologies and rigid in their thinking. This results in decisions that not only undermine progress but also threaten the very fabric of our democracy.

    Such decisions from our nation’s highest court have led to a deep and bipartisan distrust of the institution. Now, calls to reform it have reached a fever pitch, with an overwhelming majority of Americans supporting term limits and other reforms.

    Sign our new petition in support of the TERM Act (H.R. 5566) – which would place reasonable limits on the time that can be served on the Supreme Court and change the way new justices are appointed!

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