Tell the Senate: No More Election Deepfakes

U.S. Senate:

Our social media landscape is ripe for manipulation, particularly around the security of our elections and messages sent out by campaigns and campaign surrogates. New technology and uses for artificial intelligence must be regulated to protect the integrity of our elections.

As a concerned constituent, I am urging you to pass three bills: S. 2770, Protect Elections from Deceptive AI Act; S. 3875, AI Transparency in Elections Act of 2024; and S.3897, Preparing Election Administrators for AI Act. This package of legislation will help set guidelines around how AI can be used to create political messaging and help protect Americans from misinformation, deceptive practices, and manipulation. Our nation needs election safeguards in place before our federal elections this fall!

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    The new era of artificial intelligence comes with real challenges to our democracy. Deceptive AI-generated content, like highly realistic videos (also known as deepfakes) created to falsely represent the positions of candidates, or to spread misinformation about the election, can be hard for users to accurately identify and avoid. It is important that we get ahead of the threats that unregulated AI poses to our election integrity. There are three bills in the Senate now that need your support: legislation that prohibits deepfakes in political ads, a bill that requires disclaimers for AI-generated ads, and legislation that will develop guidelines on the use of AI in election administration.

    Sign our new petition urging the Senate to pass a package of bills that regulate the use of AI in election-related materials now!

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