In July, more than 150 corporations – including Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Intel, Target, Dell, Cisco, and Boston Scientific – signed a letter in support of passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and urging its passage in Congress. Accountable.US, a government watchdog, just released a new analysis revealing that these eight companies have donated thousands of dollars in 2021 alone to the Republican Senators that just voted to obstruct the bill’s passage.
We will not let these wealthy and influential corporations get away with this hypocrisy. If they want to support voting rights, they should stand by their stated support for voting rights and stop donating to the Republican lawmakers who are preventing the passage of desperately needed legislations such as the John Lewis VRAA and the Freedom to Vote Act.
Add your name today to demand that Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Intel, Target, Dell, Cisco, and Boston Scientific stop donating to anti-voting rights members of Congress!